14 April 2009

you would be proud dad

i didnt ignore easter this year. you told me years ago that i was the easter bunny now but it was too much work for me. :) i like holidays. i dont know why i can never get my act together for this one. so, this is what foodland had to offer at 8PM the night before and so this is what we got!

and here's big mama in her thrift shop easter dress. look out!


echo said...

love the dress! i had a hard time this year with easter too.

Melissa said...

looks good to me!
You look adorable! love the dress!

Rach said...

love the bunny cars...those are FRIEKING cool!!1

liz said...

Stephanie, you look beautiful. That dress is lovely on you. And can I just say, look at those cheekbones!

Molly said...

that dress is great...but are you just trying to show off your cool phone?!?

sheila said...

like everyone else... I LOVE THE DRESS too.
you look so good! I kind of miss being pregnant when I see you nice and round {round in a good way}
is that wierd?

melissa said...

wow sister. nate and i went to the grocers together at about 8 at night because we decided some easter candy would be nice. and then his mom had a big easter egg hunt for us (that's right, for us, his 21 year old bro and his 17 year old sis), so we really eastered it up. or something like that.

anyway, i like how your belly shows in the second panel of the mirror you're at.

liko said...

that is an awesome dress! and my parents were a little disappointed in me for not coloring eggs with my kiddos this year. next year. promise.

laurel said...

the dress is great!

ashley said...

cars are so much better than candy!

my easter dress was thirfted too- love yours!

Thomas said...

"I do it!"

echo said...

the hunt that is pictured on my blog was put on by one of marc's friends from 4th ward, alan keil. i should have invited you to come along.

Monica said...

You are so cute pregnant. Keep it up!

Smiths said...

I sent Micah to the store the night before easter also and had to choose between the chocolate crucifixes or sugar free choc. bunnies. Which one would you pick? Looks like you did pretty well. Amby looks like a happy boy.

shira said...

love love love the dress stephanie! i wish i had something like that to fit my belly, it's so cute!

stef j. said...


and i'm the same ... not so good at easter. don't know why. i LOVE going all out on every single one of them.

next year. i'll be all over that fluffy white bunny business next year.

Erin said...

damn - how do you still stay skinny everywhere and just be ALL belly. you are one hot mama, lady!! ily.