08 July 2009

diana in the middle

i am on vacation and so you would think i would blog about that but lately i have been thinking about my dear bff diana donna-kaye moore palmer. but mostly she's just ana. or as martin has taken to calling her "yan." and that is her up top by the way. isnt she lovely?

it's kind of funny that i have been thinking of my best of the best so much lately because a) we havent seen each other in over two years, b) we rarely talk on the phone because we kinda hate it, c) we sort of email but one of us (usually, ahem, her...cough cough) gets busy and doesnt email back for a while (but i share blame in this too), and d) why now? i have done these "so-and-so in the middle" blog posts before but never on diana because there is almost too much to say.

and maybe it's that i am so close and yet so far away right now... being on the mainland but still being so far from boise where she currently resides or utah where she will soon relocate to.

but mostly i feel lucky that i, along with all her other dedicated fans, get to see a little piece of her soul at least once a week, if not more lately, through her photography blog. i hope that she doesnt mind me posting images of hers on here, because they are my inspiration for life sometimes. they are so bright and clean and happy.

i think it must be over a year ago now that she told me she wanted to try and start a photography business even though she felt she didnt know much about it and even though the economy wasnt doing too well...etc. and she was good. she definitely had a knack for it. we would see her shoots and feel proud of her. she would encourage us to start up a little business too and called thomas her mentor or something flattering like that....etc. and NOW... well, now, me and thomas stare at her images with our mouths hanging open, trying to figure out how she does it. how are the faces so bright and clear? how does she get children to participate and looks so natural? how is everything she does pure gold?

ok, ok, i really am having a hard time choosing images here since they are all perfect and really, since i didnt ask her permission first... i better stop, but head over to her website or blog for more.

and this is really not an advertisement for yan photography (although if you want to book with her that is more than fine with me and a smart move on your part-hehe) but more of a declaration from me that i am so very proud of my beautiful, supportive, kind, loving, Christlike, and uplifting best friend diana. i could go on and on.

but let me just say that having friends is great, but ever since i met diana i have a new standard for friendship and she set it. her and martin feel like family to us. their children feel like my nieces or somethihng (although i do claim part ownership on myra since i taped her birth!). there is nothing forced or competitive about our friendship- it is natural. her friendship always comes when i need it the most- through sweet and honest emails, random texts and phone conversations, and just the knowledge that if we ever need each other we will be there and when we need a friend we have one.

her website says, "you are beautiful" and i think people can look and feel beautiful through her photos because of who she is. any interaction i have with diana leaves me feeling special and uplifted (even if we talk about things in our lives that are disappointing or sad) and i hope to be that kind of friend to others too. thanks for teaching me that ana.

thanks for reading this little love note - hope it finds you all content and well. xoxo


Melissa said...

you guys share a unique friendship, that is obvious from the few conversations we've had about this topic. it's great to have friends like this.

Your both unique, interesting and beautiful women. You remind me of each other, I don't know her all that well but from what I do know, you do.

and i love this song...always have

Melissa said...

oh and her photography had gotten astounding and it happened fast.

Melissa said...


boo face mcjones said...

i only know her through cyberstalking, but i have noticed so many of the very qualities you mention.

what a lovely post.

melissa said...

oh, i'm so glad you posted (i miss you) and i'm so glad you bragged about diana (i have always had kind of a girl crush on her). her photography really is exceptional, by any standard. ak!

laurel said...

I agree.

laurel said...

The thing about the new standard for friendship- that's exactly how I have felt too with Diana. I've learned so much from her and have been inpired to be my best self through our friendship. And I have always been in awe of her artistic sense.

So, with a friend like this in common- I am so glad we are friends too Stephanie! Diana ain't no fool when it comes to people...I mean you're pretty special yourself...

Meg said...

i LOVE her photography. If she ever comes out to Hawaii I definitely want to book a shoot with her! I wish I would have gotten to know her better before they left da kine.

liko said...

oh yeah, i cyberstalk her frequently. LOVE her pics and said i would book with her if she ever came out here this summer...boo. great great photos. and it is so nice to have friends that just feel so natural. you are a great friend to me. thanks for that. sometimes i see people with friends that are like sisters and i really really get sad sometimes. but then i think of the nice friends i have and it makes me happy again.
oh, and 'fidelity' was my most favoritist song ever at one point, and it was the song on my stupid myspace page for that time.
and just today i was thinking that you should post something even if you are on vacation because i wanna see what you are up to. somehow i missed your blog update and just found it today. :-)

diana palmer said...

stephanie, steph....awwww....stephanie, what am i even saying? i did NOT expect this. In fact i was trying to tell myself to not check your blog because i would only be disappointed what with the whole vacation lack of posting going on. so i just came across this, this morning, and i am the opposite of underwhelmed and something akin to undeserving. let's take this to email...

and thanks to all sweet peeps who chimed in and said nice things. i so wish we could have one big slumber party.

echo said...

yup, i have a total girl crush.

ashley said...

your such a good friend! and she is an amazing photographer! love her stuff!