24 July 2009

following orders

here ya go britt. i think of you every time i give him a bath. thanks for being a great example to me of the kind of mom i want to be! and now here's your baby fresh out of a bath (sorry, i dont have my photographer around so this was the best i could do aside from a camera phone photo and those dont always turn out well either... we'll try and get some good shots this weekend):

he was 11.8 lbs at his last doctors appointment last week so who knows what he is now, but he is tall, solid, precious, hungry, good, smiley, sweet, and now after his bath he smells so good that i better hop off this computer so i can sniff his hair and cuddle him for the remainder of his brother's nap!

have a great weekend!

1 comment:

liko said...

nothing like a sweet baby!!