23 July 2009

really, you're posting about this??

the kids are asleep. i want to hold myself to something here. let's talk vanity.

i used to work several jobs in high school and college and spend most of that income on clothes. i loved it. i still love clothes, but it's just not a priority when you are on a reeeally tight budget and you have to drag two babies to the store with you... oh yeah, or when you are pregnant or carrying around a bunch of postpartum weight.

these days, i am a pretty low maintenance girl (you wouldn't have guessed this if you knew me back in high school).

my 25th birthday was last month and my mom sent me some money to buy clothes that would make me feel and look good after giving birth to asher. i spent the money on fabric, a book, and these big, decorative vinyl stickers for my walls in the new place because i couldnt even think about trying on clothes.

i dont really buy new clothes anymore and getting ready for the day consists of possibly showering, a ponytail, and maybe some sunscreen on my face. that's just the way i roll these days.

but i'm not saying this is the way to be. nor am i suggesting that being obsessed with clothes and waking up two hours earlier in the morning to primp is virtuous either.

i think you should take care of the body you were given by:
1.eating healthy at least 90% of the time
2.moving your body at least once a day
3.giving personal hygiene some consideration (ha!)

that's what i'm shooting for anyway. pretty basic.

and i discovered something about myself.

I AM SICK TO DEATH OF MY UNIFORMS!! oh, i mean, the 5-6 outfits i wear on a weekly basis. it is not like these are my favorite articles of clothing i just cant live without. they are just what fit right now without being too big or way too small.

so, i am starting a little reward program for myself (it works on kids right??). i want to get fit. without going overboard and sharing too much personal detail (i think i've already done that), i'll just say that i have certain goals i have made for myself. each time i reach one of those goals there's a reward and they all come from this website. affordable, modest, really cute, and very basic (it's in the name people) so i can wear items with a lot of things, but nice enough that i want to work for it- it's not like a cheap trip to ross or savers or something.

i've already started the motivation by buying this:

to get me kick started. and i cant wait! so, if you shop from this site, and end up buying some of the same clothes, get ready to have a twin because i already have all my rewards picked out and i'm excited. :)

because you cant really be too big and not look unsightly in this:

so i've got some work to do, but i can do it and so can you!

go find some inspiration! i've got mine. vain as that may be. :)


melissa said...

well it just so happens that i tried on that yellow number about two days ago. the sleeves and neckline were a little too borderline for my undies, but i know they fit everyone differently so you might be ok because it's SUPER CUTE on. anyway.

i really try not to pay attention to other people's "health" goals because i feel pretty good about myself until i do. like for example you looked much fitter pregnant than i did whilst running 5 miles a day. that is not to say i don't appreciate this post, because so far all i've done is shoot you down. oops. love you and i think your three "taking care" items are right on. you're right on. and why do i feel like writing so much? dunno.

anyway, it's too hot (even here!) to run after work so if i don't go at 6:30 in the morning i'm pretty much out of luck. so i did yoga today. not aerobic, but still good for me.

stef j. said...

wait wait wait ...

back up ...

so we're still supposed to brush our teeth after we have kids ?!?!?

Megan and Keli'i said...

Was just looking at this website today. Ha!

diana palmer said...

my body is crying for help right now, and thanks you for this post. i've been very bad to it for the last year (as in my post life pile would be mostly pizza, if you know what i'm sayin).

i have no motivation to exercise.and even though my belly is old news, this lack of motivation is new for me. but i think this reward system is great. martin just tried it on me yesterday. he said that if i lose 10 lbs i can do soemthing about my hair. hahahaha, i love the way that makes him sound like such a meanie, but he just bases these things on my CONSTANT complaints. let's do this together.

polka dot twins across the sea?

liko said...

very cute! and i do like the concept. too bad it doesn't really work on me...my motivation comes in spurts every couple of days...
and i love your style and think you already look fabulous!

liko said...

oh, and i have clothes, but just wear the same three or four outfits every couple of days. stuck in a rut. theme of my life.

Stephanie said...

Let's do it Ana!! In fact, I was thinking that the model in the polka dot picture looks like you.

star said...

OK, I got my downeastbasics catalog the other day and loved it! I have lots of fall-ish clothes picked out for when we move. If I get them is a whole other story. Maybe we will be long distance twinners

oh and Stef j... I LOVE your comment! So true!

echo said...

amen sister.

rachel said...

I am doing the same thing with rewards, like If I clean my closet and drawers out and give away a lot of clothes and throw away empty jars I am allowed to buy more. I really shouldn't be rewarded though, but thanks for your post, now i'm really allowed to buy more clothes and eye creams and soap. goals goals goals and rewards and buy buy buy! I am confessions of a shopaholic.

Shanae said...

I feel ya. I go through spurts where i feel like I should actually do something to myself in the mornings. Sadly the spurt has come and gone :) It doesn't help that we live in Hawaii, where we can just go to the beach and why get ready? no need :)


laurel said...

hmmm... yes well I haven't had kids but grr.. exercise has been all too absent from my life for far too long! Even without any kids I still have SO much room for improvement. Yikes. I'd like to get in on this too though now with my performance on Oliofolio (I mean lack there of) I feel a little guilty asking for something.

Melissa said...

i LOVE that yellow dress! and reward system like this is so ideal, why did I not ever think of it!?

Jessica F. said...

I have a lot of clothes from DEO and really love their dresses. You are too cute! Reward systems are my best motivator.
Good luck.

. said...

I like that cheery yellow dress. Steph, you know I'm your girl if you want anything anthro at a good discount.

darcie said...

yeah right stephanie! i'm sure you work hard but i see pictures of you with the big boy and i'm like, some folk got it all.