we took a cruise to mexico and felt very cool about it.

prom 2002. it was very important to match your date. very important.

a beach trip to santa monica in which we ended up dancing in the coke commercial of a wanna be director. we have copies of the tape, but surprise, surprise, it was never aired! haha

jr. high awesomeness. i think this was actually on a temple trip. we were... hot.

graduation. duh.

EFY!!!!!! and i am not sure who that kindly young man is or what this picture was all about, but i am sure WE thought we were very very funny. (and no one else did!haha!)

some girls at prom

this is erin's brother nate- who treated me just as he treated erin- i felt honored to have an older brother who would put me in my place! ;) oh yeah, and i did my best to annoy him right along with erin.... good times.

john and shelly forever! this is erin after a dance performance with her padres.

erin's high school boyfriend jeff... the original LC hahaha.

this might be the last installment of old, awkwardly awesome photos from this trip unless i can find my old dance pictures.... i'll get on it!
I wanna see the coke commercial!
haha!! it's nice to see pics from your past!!! so fun and funny!!! and i feel old -- i graduated from college in 2003!!! and you went to a prom in 2002!!! ha!
and that little cherry number looks SWEEEEET! haha!
Don't high school and care-free college days feel like yesterday? Thanks for sharing the memories.
HAHHAHAHHAHHHAHAHAHHAA!! shut up. this post seriously made me pee my pants AND cry. are you kidding me? i just love you steph. and miss you. i cant believe you are so close yet so far away. we need another reunion.
thanks for this post. you are such a good friend. i am so proud of you who you are and what you are doing now. thanks for being such a good example to me. :-)
Holy crap these pictures are awesome! Oh how our Erin has blossomed into a woman.... ha ha she was so skinny and awkward (sorry erin you know it's true) and I have never seen a picture of THE Jeff Legio.... thanks for that.
i could swear i recognize those mountains behind you in your efy picture, which means you must have been at byu? my, how efy kids annoyed me while i was taking summer classes. which is perfect, because it's exactly what they're supposed to do, i'm sure. otherwise how could they have so much fun?
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