07 October 2009

has this turned into a sewing blog?

i'm up l-a-t-e because i cant stop coughing when i lay down. irritating. good thing i have a 7:30am class to teach tomorrow. awesome.

anyway, lately when i write a blog post i cant help but think, "my dad says my uncle reads this," "my in-laws read this," "some people i went to high school with, but never ever talk to read this," "mormons read this and maybe an equal amount of people who arent mormon read this," and "then there's that person here and there who told me they read this," but the same handful of lovelies comment - my own family doesnt comment leaving me feeling like i am talking to myself sometimes- and so really i am wondering WHO READS THIS??

anyway, when i consider those people i mentioned it makes my posting somewhat self-conscious. do my uncle, in-laws, high school friends and acquaintances, mormons and non-mormons, and randoms really actually want to hear about my latest sewing venture or hear all the strange thoughts that circulate in this overactive imagination of mine?

i can't imagine they do.

but the fact remains that if you are reading this i didnt make you. you came here so i am going to just post whatever i want and you can read it or not.

sounds easy enough.

anyway, whoever you are, i am in an "advanced sewing" class - every tuesday night. i love to sew... even when i take an advanced sewing class that shows me just how crappy i am. all we did was make a "mandarin" collar tonight and it seriously took forever. here is what one is supposed to look like:
mine is a variation on this (ha! actually it didnt turn out bad, but it could have been better), and i dont know when i will ever need to access this specific skill, but the point is that i am learning and feeling more confident in just working on projects in general.

even when i am messing something up and my brain is kind of hurting from trying to get through a rough spot, i am having fun and loving it! i am so glad i figured out that i love to sew. it makes me so happy. none of my projects are good enough to sell or anything, and they definitely end up looking like someone's final project for seventh grade home ec. class, but i am humming and happy the whole time i am working on it.

anyway, this is what i was thinking about tonight and i thought, "but would my uncle, cousin, old classmate, sister, fellow-blog-stalker, and random reader care?" and really, it's so nice to connect to people through blogging, but who cares if they care.

this is not a masters thesis with a specific point to prove, this is not a trendy blog with advertisers, this is not even a complete journal of my family (although it's all we've got for now)....

this is just me- silly as that may be. :)


Don said...

Ah, yes. The "who cares, anyway" blogger angst. I know it well. I've had my fair share on my blogs, to be sure.

I don't have the definitive answer, but I think you're on track with the "if they want to come they'll come" philosophy. That's how I do it.

I hope you don't mind me stopping by. As homesickness therapy , I've been collecting La'ie-based blogs for a while now, and began visiting a month or so ago.

While I'm not particularly excited about sewing personally, it's always interesting to learn about the things other people enjoy.

Marcus Lane said...

we are your mormon cousins from the 'main-land' and we proudly read it!

Ashley said...

I just don't comment out of laziness. But I still enjoy reading.

sheila said...

steph you crack me up.

I say its YOUR blog so you can write whatever pleases you. sewing, babies, the beach, etc etc. I like it too.
Others will come and read if they want I guess. Just keep the blog YOU because that's the best way for me to relate.

and I like reading it.

liko said...

i look at it this way - it's like MY journal. i write what i want. i know the family would probably prefer pics of my kids every single post, but i write about my interests. and if they wanna comment they can, if they don't then whatever. you know?

and i am excited to see what you learn in that class. maybe you can pass on some of your knowledge to moi. hehe...because i love sewing just as much as you do!

ashley said...

funny when you start to think about who reads your blog, huh? i hate when i think about it and then change the way i say things, for people who might be reading.

you know i loves your blog and yous toos!

Nate and Julie said...

your blog intrigues me and is delightful to read. however, most of the time I do not comment because I do not have anything remotely interesting to say. but I am one of your most faithful followers and I love you. that is all.

kimball said...

We hang on to your every word and love it. Dad and Mom

Matt and Ness said...

yeah me too! love it.

melissa said...

you probably didn't know this, but sometimes i read your blog.

diana palmer said...

the dad and mom comment was so sweet. im willing to bet you have twice as many readers as you know. and whether you're writing about sewing or rainbows, its delightful, because its you. and you write well without trying.

diana palmer said...

p.s. i'm slightly intimidated by your sewing know how, and fear when we do meet again, i won't be crafty enough for your liking. =( now that THAT weird friend comment is out of the way, i am so thrilled and know that excited feeling of finding something you truly love, and knowing, just knowing, you'll have a future with it.

Thomas said...

I comment on your blog ad nausium. And BTW the mandarin collar looked coooool (like my tv)!

martin said...

my name is martin. i read your blog from time to time. you are nice. stay cool this summer. maybe we can take a sewing class together next year.
p.s. thomas told me not to tell, but he totally has a crush on you.

Molly said...

HEY!!! I'm a faithful reader. I read it on my google reader, so I'm more of a lurker than a commenter...but I'm there..always there...

So your in the sewing class, huh? I signed up for it too, but Sa's worked late for the past two Tuesdays. Maybe we can hang out there next tuesday?!? I miss you plenty.

KristenE. said...

I am a faithful reader, but VERY lazy to comment. I feel like such a bad friend; especially since you faithfully comment on my every post ( even the dumb ones). You are a great person and you are inspiring! Please continue on with what you are doing because that is what makes you Stephanie and I love you for it!

P.S. I am crazy stoked for you about that collar! That is mad skills!

Testing said...

i love reading your blog- i'm also more of a lurker. that way, when i do see you it isn't the awkward- what have you been up to?- and we can just get into more details.

laurel said...

Ok, I admit it, I, friend of a friend, non-mormon, fellow-blog-stalker, Obama supporter, sugar addict, english teacher, traveler, very occasional blog writer, dreamer and fellow creative spirit READ your blog. AND, just so you know... I FULLY intend to meet you some day and uh yeah... remember the literary trip idea??

I have to say I really appreciated Martin's comment even if we are no where close to next summer.

maeve said...

i read your blog! i love it and i love that you talk about sewing. it inspires me to use my own machine!

Carrie said...

You know me, I can't get enough about sewing! If we lived close we'd totally get together on Project Runway night and talk about all the hot messes, which I'm certain you mandarin collar was not.

Even if you blogged about Nascar I'd still read because you write so dang awesomely.

mrs. ho said...

hi, i don't know if you remember me, i'm makana ho's wife? Liko's sister-in-law? I was perusing her blog listings and happened upon yours, and I keep checking in because, yes, I like your sewing ideas. And I just like reading it too. Just so you know I'm tuning in... oh, and my name is Emily. Ha! this is almost awkward in an world wide web sort of way...

Tara said...

I really love this post and all the comments. I feel you...once again.

Anonymous said...

Stephanie! I read your witty remarks :) You make me laugh! and its fun to see your ADORABLE little family!