11 October 2009

the most fun family activity we've ever had!

well, i don't know if that is true for sure, but it is the most fun i can remember having in a long time! and i feel like we have a lot of fun. anyway.

what's more fun than choosing all the new appliances, faucets, mirrors, doors, the vanity, light fixtures, fans, the toilet, and paint colors for your new apartment? nothing i tell you. nothing. it's the best saturday activity thomas has ever suggested!

my sisters and i used to draw very meticulous house plans growing up. did anyone else do this or were we just weird? we also wrote down potential names for our future children. my list changed from year to year. how domestic of us all! haha anyway, my in-laws are very cool and although this will be their place to rent out when we leave someday they are letting us have so much say and i feel like this new apartment project is like a dream come true! so so fun.

i'm pretty sure trips to the home depot were boring for me as a child. our kids definitely had times of complaint, but ambrose got to get in on the act and i also brought books and snacks to keep him occupied.

check back in a million years to see all the new stuff in the new place!


Natalie said...

I honestly cannot think of anything more fun! How nice to get to decide all of that.

Matti said...

Hahaha...a million years. You are so funny. Looks like a ton of fun. You should have let me watch the boys, wait...my kids are sick. ;-( Good thing you took them, they are safer with you.

Matti said...

And right now I am feeling like they will be better in a million years. ;-)

Rachel said...

Your little boys have such pretty eyes. I wish I would have hung out with you and Diana in Hawaii.

lizzie said...

I am glad you had so much fun doing that. Every now and then Micah think about building our own house, and even though we have our sense of style and all of that, I can't help but think that all of those little details would be a big headache, mostly because we are so indecisive and non-committal. "Really, if you like that one better, that's fine with me." "No, no, I'm really not that attached to that one if you like this one better." That would be how it goes and it would be very tiring for both of us, especially if we had two little boys along for the ride. So, again, kudos to you. Can't wait to see how it all turns out.

Ashley said...

Cute and happy kids. I think that sounded like fun.

Brittany said...

i am drawing up a houseplan right now and my kids will be named really interesting names and we'll have 12 bedrooms and for sure an atrium in the center. possibly a 6 car garage. we were so weird!

liko said...

oh, how i would love to go and search for things for my house...

and not have to pay for it! it's fun until i look at how much it costs!

i can't wait to see what you do with your new place!! i'm excited!! and if you need any help, i am so there! to paint or whatever. then maybe you can help me beautify mine. i feel like it would be so much easier to start from scratch. but i need to re-arrange things to paint and all that jazz.

looks like a fun and productive day -- and i hope those million years go by quick!

ashley said...

those smiles in the stroller are the best! and how fun to shop for home stuff, can't wait to see how it all turns out!

sheila said...

I think that may be the best date idea. EVER!
I don't think its weird... I have notebooks and notebooks of house plans and decorating ideas. It was my dream to become an architect one day. hha. I especially liked to draw them up during sacrament meeting when I was younger. It took my mind away- I'm so bad.
Can't wait to see your final outcome!