12 October 2011

A Fall Ritual


liko said...

great photos and moments!!
and yes, the wagon is a must-have!!
that's what i was wishing i had the last time we went - because i was trying to carry two big pumpkins that were getting heavy quick because the little person was getting too tired to hold their own.
looks like fun as always!

Stephanie said...

If you ever want/need that good old wagon it's yours! Literally, it's yours! haha :) And goodness we have enjoyed having it around and so thank you thank you. It was fro sure a must have at the pumpkin patch!

Mariko said...

Love these. Maybe I should have come. I'm allergic to driving, I think. Except when there's food involved. Ha!

melissa said...

fun, i want to go! i've never been pumpkin patching!

ps since i've had calvin, i've been watching little boys i know a little closer, you know, to see what i'm in for. and they fall down a LOT. they fall down all the time. it's weird!

liko said...

i don't need the wagon - but i just remember from my last experience there, having a stroller or SOMEthing with wheels would've helped a ton!

glad you are enjoying it! that's what it's for!

B said...

Those are some really great pictures. I love the fall.

Anna K. said...

Ambose and Asher are so styling!!!! They are so cute. I yearn to see them and you guys!!!