04 November 2011


The boys now sleep in a big kid bunk-bed arrangement:

It's a set-up from the original Robertson children and just about everybody has had a turn sleeping in these beds, so it's fun to have my kids be a part of the tradition.

Ambrose and Asher had their first dentist appointments yesterday. Ambrose was an apprehensive champ and Ash barely let the dentist look at his teeth. Both mouths look fine though and the boys were pleased with their prizes from the treasure chest! Woot!

I got called to be the First Counselor in the Relief Society Presidency and I am just as shocked as you. I know. Odd choice. They probably didn't know I dressed as Madonna for my birthday.... a modest Madonna though. Or that I dress as Amy Winehouse for fun... a modest Amy Winehouse. HA! Anyway, I went from preparing a lesson every other week to every spare minute I have being filled with something. I had no idea the First Counselor did so much! I have new respect for sure and am learning a lot. It's actually really fun once I stop being shocked and terrified that they asked someone as silly as me (or thinking that just people in my mom's age group do stuff like this....).

I guess that's it for now. I'll leave you with some pictures from the day Ash and I tagged along on Ambrose's preschool fieldtrip. It was great day!


Becky said...

The beds look great and I hope your calling goes well. I did the cookie thing for singing time and the kids loved it! I also hope you guys are down for another visit from us because Chase and I are talking about taking a trip out there, probably sans Zoe though...

Stephanie said...

Yes! DO it! We would love that.

Matti said...

cute beds!

melissa said...

wow, that's a pretty hardcore calling. good lucky, ducky.

i love the dentist picture. so funny.

Ashley said...

Cute boys! I loved everything about this post, especially your calling! Not to make you jealous, but I was just released from my calling, but I don't have a new one yet. I think of it as a nice baby present from the bishopric.

liko said...

that is a busy calling! but you will be a-okay!

and i think about that too, how you mentioned dressing up as madonna and amy -- i think about things i say and post on FB and imagine the YW reading/seeing it...always gotta make sure to set an example and i feel i'm a constant work in progress. but you will make a great first counselor!!

and i am still awaiting the day when i will "feel" like a grown-up. wonder when that will happen...if ever??

love you!

Jillian Smith said...

RAD! You are amazing and inspiring and are a perfect addition to the Presidency. I know it can feel oveerwhelming so good luck getting over the hump.

Where was this field trip? I want to go to there.

Melissa said...

um those beds are super cool! did gpa robertson make them back in the day?

also that calling sounds super busy! geesh you're amazing keeping up with all the things you already have to do plus that!!

P.s. im coming to HI in dec (14th-28th) will you be there? I must see you and your babies!

Carrie said...

You are awesome! Good luck with your calling! I miss being busy/needed in that way.

Your boys are so cute together. It's so precious.

Felipa Barela said...

Your kids' bunk bed is cute! It's been almost three years. Ambrose and Asher probably have grown up, so I guess it's not the bed they're currently using. My daughters have a bunk bed too, but they both want to sleep on the top bed. It's more fun and exciting there, maybe? Hehe!