07 July 2008

i guess he had a bad dream

i finally forced myself to start correcting some errors in our psychiatry billing tonight after several nights of dragging my feet and i was working at a feverish pace to get it over with. i was, of course, listening to the archives of this american life while working when i was startled by a high pitched urgent scream coming from ambrose's room followed by a very mournful and scared sounding cry. me and thomas were both fumbling our way into ambrose's bedroom since we were surprised by this outburst. he will wake up every once in a while in the night, but not like this. not with such freight and urgency. i dashed in and frantically scooped him up, thinking that perhaps he had been bitten by a centipede or something equally alarming, but he seemed unharmed and sleepy. he did however cling to me and wrap his soft baby arm tightly around my neck with his head resting securely on my shoulder- chubby cheek pressed up against my mama cheek. i have felt a lot of things since i have experienced motherhood: exhaustion, pure joy, frustration, worry, pride, incomprehensible love, gratitude...etc. but i have never felt my heart beat so strongly or felt it swelling so much that i am sure it will burst over and over- leaving me a mess of mommy emotion and heartbreak and glee. i am sorry to be so dramatic, but this is new and wonderful and it tugs and aches and as he clung to me and slowly drifted back to sleep i found myself pausing instead of rushing to get him back into bed so i can go back to what i was doing. i lingered in the middle of his dark bedroom and listened to my heart bursting and the sound of the fan and felt the weight of his precious body getting heavier and heavier until he was snoring soundly in my ear and all traces of the little frightened tremble were gone. i swayed with the rhythm of the fan and cuddled him securely in my arms until he was deep deep asleep- at which point i hugged him tight, then gently laid his sweet little body in the crib and watched him roll over and dream. i am so grateful to be his mother. he is something phenomenal and he is mine.


Audra said...

poor Ambrose! you are so sweet, and that was a great post!

Carrie said...

Oh my. Strangely enough, Banks just started doing this a couple of days ago too. Seriously, the similarities between these two are surprisingly numerous. You inspire me to write this sort of thing down, because I hadn't thought to do so.

lizzie said...

Lucky girl. It is so nice to be reminded of those wonderful moments.

On the flip side, my child woke up this morning and cried when I picked him up and wanted me to give him to his dad. Which would have been sweet as well, except that going to dad didn't really help him out any. So sad.

Melissa said...

that was sweet!! thanks for sharing

lindsey said...

oh melt my heart! Being a mom truly is the most incredable experience on this earth isn't it!? Ambros is such a sweetie and he's lucky to have a mom who's heat beats only for him:)

Lisah said...

That was very well written Steph. Ambrose is very lucky to have a mother like you who adores him so much.

stef j. said...

i can imagine the rapid heart-beat accompanied by the rapid footsteps to his room ... it's so heartbreaking when they wake-up like that (addi has a few times). it makes me wonder what in the world they could be nightmaring about....

beautiful post! thanks.

. said...

That was really beautiful. I guess when you become a mom you can really appreciate how much your parents and Heavenly Father really love you.

Anonymous said...

Stephanie, what a beautifully descriptive story, I remember those days, some 28 and 25 years ago....the little head resting on my shoulder, arm wrapped tightly around me, patting my back saying mamamamama softly in my ear, it was beautiful then and is still such a beautiful memory! Motherhood is like nothing else in this world...and it truly goes by fast! But grandma-hood....even better!!!! Our first and only (so far) Annie, is truly such a blessing from God! Steph, I ran into your mom at Vons the other day, told her I kept up with your life and motherhood thru Jen & Justin's blog. I do the same with Melody in Utah, haven't met Brooklyn yet, but feel like I know her already from Mel's blog! Take care, Jill (Ridgeway)

Stephanie said...

Thankyou mrs. ridgeway! that was so nice and it is amazing how motherhood links every woman who has been through it. it's like we are all in some club together! so good to hear from you.

Cammie said...

I love those sweet moments. Enjoy them.

boo face mcjones said...

steph, last night when i woke up at three in the morning to scared to sleep (last time i let jesse take me to a scary movie), i thought of this post, and it made me feel better. thanks.

Stephanie said...

booster! i cant go to scary movies either for the same reason- i am glad if this helped you. i hope you were able to channel marion last night and feel soothed :)

darcie said...

oh, that brought a tear to my eye.