11 February 2009

it's sweet and touching...

but you know you might be pregnant when the beginning of finding nemo, when marlin holds the fish egg in his fin and says:

"there there daddy's here. i promise i wont let anything happen to you nemo."

makes you sob and hug your confused toddler really tight.

ah, the emotion.


Rach said...

love it!!

.Ang. said...

ahhh that part makes me do the same thing!

and i'm not even pregnant

sheila said...

HA!, yeah you may just be prego.

Shanae said...

so true, that totally happens to me when I am pregnant!!

I don't think we will go to the membership meeting, but it you want to then we could pick you up on the way out or what ever works, but come it will be fun :)

snbjork said...

You're too funny!

.Ang. said...

oh, and I'm a canon girl!

The Prigmore Family said...

Steph this made me miss you!
When I was preggo with Choob, I cried at the Bank of Hawaii commercial and at the Olympics. You are not alone!

P.S. I totally forgot that Nemo had a sad beginning. You see at our house, Nemo starts with the scene "first day of school", not because it is too sad for my 2 year old, but because it is too sad for my 28 year old husband. Seriously. We are not allowed to watch the beginning of Nemo.

ashley said...

only a women knows the feeling!

Smith Family said...

wha-what... CONGRATS!

stef j. said...

so true!

liko said...

i love that movie. it has brought me close to tears, too. and no, i'm not pregnant.

Carrie said...

Oh man, it gets me too! hehe Benson thinks I'm a such a weirdo when I'm sitting there sobbing. hehe

Molly Malia said...

hey steph, send me your address so that i can send you your magnets!


Christina said...

SOOO true!