i cant even begin to say how nice it is to have a big old yard for my outdoors loving child to roam in. ambrose has never been a infant/baby/toddler/now almost child to sit around and stare. he has wanted to be, and do, and explore from the womb. in many ways this has been exhausting and sometimes downright frustrating since i have had to be a circus entertainer since he was born and find new things for us to do all the time, but in other ways this has been so fun!
i have an everyday goal to get all his energy out. i like to think that he has this big internal energy-o-meter and it is my job to deplete it every single day. sometimes i fail at this goal either because i have to get other things done or because i am too lazy and these are generally the hard days in the end. the days when he is the happiest and most well behaved are the days when we get out and move around so really i am not doing myself any favors by being lazy. go figure.
i cant give you any of the particulars, because you'll find out soon enough anyway, but yesterday there were eight children over, five moms, two sewing machines, and two irons going and an awesome project being completed assembly line style all day long at our house. the kids ran wild in the backyard and ambrose was in heaven. they came in and watched a movie for a while, ran out in the yard, ate various snacks, ambrose wore or didnt wear various amounts of clothing, played with his pals all day and by the end of the sweat shop we had going he was thoroughly exhausted and i realized he hadnt come to me bored and impatient once that day.
the thing is, everyday the energy-o-meter renews itself. today we get to start all over again. it's at 100% and he is washing his hands in the bathroom for the third time this morning singing, "hands! HANDS! hands!" i better go. :)
That must be the daily goal of any mom with boys! My second has a TON of energy and it feels like we start each new day trying to use up as much as we can! The yard looks like a great place for him to be!
i would like to purchase your goal and perspective. how much does that cost? oh its free for you because you are one of the best moms ever? i see.
love it! yes, i want a YARD too!!! lovely lovely!
that really is a wonderful thing, to have a yard. one day i want one of my own.
and i am so jealous that i didn't know about this mystery assembly line project. i could have lended a hand or a sewing machine. but it sounds like lots of fun.
He talks?! Awwww, I guess I should've known he'd keep growing up, but wow! I still get a kick out of remembering his little squeaks for food/drink.
whoa momma. sounds like ya got your hands full...and lately I just mostly want to sleep.
This is oh so familiar to me! I have the same dilemma with my little rug rats. And I have the same goal to run out that energy-o-meter everyday. You're absolutely right, it doesn't pay to be lazy and not run out their energy.
I know all about the energy-o-meter! I am mom to Zac and Jason (and Maddie sometimes too). A backyard helps so much. I love afternoons of the kids playing outside for hours and then coming in all sweaty and dirty for baths. That is the sign of a great day.
I should share with you some of the crazy games we played with Zac starting about an hour before bed to tire him out when he was 1,2, and 3. ;-)
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