32lbs. 37.5 inches tall 49.5 cm. head (way to go son) and healthy as a horse.
he has had another growth spurt height wise and has gone off the charts again leading the doctor to believe that he may be 6' 3" or 6' 4" or so when he is an adult. he was impressed that ambrose is so tall and grew so much since he mostly eats fruit, but the boy drinks a lot of milk too so i guess milk really does do a body good. :)
anyway, he had to have a blood test too and since he was such a good boy for the whole ordeal we headed out for a day of adventure. i think i ran out the energy-o-meter so much today, that by the end of the afternoon he was running on fumes and poor thomas got the worst of it when i headed out for a baby shower and he put the boy to bed.
we started out our afternoon at coldstone- cashing in his free birthday ice cream coupon (yeah, i removed his shirt in the store before he ate it... i really like that shirt and dont trust ambrose to eat anything neatly... least of all chocolate ice cream)
next we headed out to kaneohe district park- one of our favorites to play and get energy out:
after a while we were starting to head home when he started saying "play! PLAY!" and i said, "OK!" and we pulled over to explore heeia state park.
really, ambrose's favorite part of the park was doing this over and over:
i got bored of that so we left. a few minutes down the road he was asking to play at the park again and i was like, "well, why not. we have nothing else to do and it's good for him." so we stopped at swanzy beach park in kaaawa.
and he did this again a couple of times as if to prove a point:
he really wanted me to play with him the whole day too. at one point i was just sitting down catching my breath and he impatiently came over to me and took off my slippers- just the way i take his off so he can climb up the slide more easily and placed them just so:
it was a pretty fun day. we just went wherever and had a good time being together. days like these make me so happy, but a little sad too. ambrose and i are such good friends and i know that in about two months everything will change for me, for him, and for "us." i am so excited to meet this second baby, but i feel a little like i am letting go of my first baby somewhat since it will never so easy to pack up on a whim and have an adventurous day like this until the boys are older. and i will never be able to give him this kind of undivided friendship once baby number two comes. i am going to cherish this time and keep it with me forever.
Ohh! I love your life! Coldstone, beach parks, toddler-directed itinerary taking you where the wind blows you (or where there are more of those scary welded ladders!). I can't believe you have a little boy, not a baby. This really is a precious time in your life! I'm excited to meet No. 2, too, but at least one more picture of mom before then please! :) p.s. I was "Lost" with those references, but that house is cool/creepy so it sounds like it fits.
steph- i totally had the same thoughts before bennett was born and i had had 3 years and one month of one-on-one bff time with jackson. it actually went a lot more gradually and smoothly than i had imagined because ben slept a lot until he got a little older. and i just included jackson in everything. i hope it turns out better than you are imagining for you and ambrose. he is so old and cute!
Love the Lost talk, I would stay away from the peculiar house too. Christian might come out and show you how to get to 1972 or something. Well, that feeling of everything changing, including the friendships and love you have for your child, and the nervousness of it all, happens with every new addition I think, because I'm experiencing it all over again. Its been so much fun with the two boys and they are at such a perfect age to just get up and go and do things and Brady and I have had so much fun this last year or so hiking and camping with these two. The idea of a baby coming into this whole mix and changing everything up scares me like Crazy! But I have to remember that when Camden came, it didn't take long before I couldn't imagine not having him there in our lives.
I wish I loved in Hawaii! I am so jealous of your fun adventures! I love Lost too!
yeah, i was "lost" with that lost talk. and what a fun day with your boy! park after park - a kid's dream come true! what an awesome mama you are. but, i already knew that!
I wish we could have a lost party. Love that show, and I like you just a little more knowing that you like it too. :)
I completely relate to this. I was even worse--- I was nervous I would never love my second boy as much as my first, but somehow your full heart defies logic and becomes even fuller. Benson is still my bff because he is older and can help me and talk to me, but Banks and Benson really have more fun together than with just Benson. You will love having two little boys. It's the best!
*I meant the three of us, Benson, Banks, and I have more fun together. :)
What a great mom you are to stop at all those fun parks. He is a lucky boy! I love the slippers picture and it's fun to hear all the stats. He is a large child! Go Ambrose!
amby just lived every toddlers dream day. lucky kiddo.
the onesies you made are smashing, i love them. great work you crafty momma you!
and i am sure everyone will comment this, but things will rule when it's the 3 of you (that being you and baby boys). it's hard at first, not gonna lie. but it gets better and so much fun and you laugh a lot more and it rules. it's crazy how it happens, but so great on so many levels. and hope you have a front carrier, cause that is what ivy lived in while velzy and i played at the park for the first 4 months of ivy's life so we could still play all the time.
ok, i feel lame giving advice on a blog comment! so bye friend!
i'm that grouchy person you and i usually try to avoid
you're right to enjoy these last special days with ambrose.
did you run into little ben? oh wait, big sayid shot him. I adore these pictures. I really love the one where ambrose is just standing in heeia state park. (the fifth picture)
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