31 May 2009

steaming hot hippo

i have a large baby boy inside of me and i hope he wants to come out soon because it is TOO DANG HOT up in here.

several months ago when people would ask me my due date and i would say, "june 5th" - without fail everyone would say, "ooohhhhh, good. right before it gets hot." and i would enthusiastically nod and pat myself on the back. way to go me. i planned this perfectly.

well, it's plenty hot.

i cant sleep right now because every time i lay down i feel like i might suffocate from the weight of this baby, the humidity, and the heat.

and the fan is on full blast!!

thomas is all wrapped up in the blankets and sheets, poor man. he jokingly told me recently that he feels like he's been living in a wind tunnel. :)

so, son no.2, if you are listening or reading this (how would he be doing that?? stick with me people.): please come soon.


i promise to take you for sunday evening walks on the beach with me and amby. it's fun. you'll like it.
i'll even let you sample the rocks you pick up along the way. i swear, i'm cool like that.

see you soon!(?)!!!!!!!!

love always,

hippo mama


Roeckers said...

I think it is hot and the air is heavy here, I can't imagine it there! Poor woman! Boy #2 it is June now, that is close enough to your due date, you can come out noW!!

melissa said...

dear hippie (i'd rather call you that than hippo, sorry), good luck with all that. but deep down i'm really jealous. remember that when you're miserably boiling up at the beach. xxoo

Tara said...

i hope he comes soon!!!! it has been horribly hot! and i am sad i missed the beach day. i really want to make it this friday! but, i actually hope you are having a baby by then!

liko said...

yep, asher, any day now would seriously be so cool. hang in there, steph. it is dang hot!!!

The Dillinghams said...

Good luck! Hope he comes soon. I had to go through parts of summer with both boys and it is so miserable. I am feeling your pain. Hope it cools off so you can feel better.

Kim's just sayin' said...

gosh I'm praying for you because I feel your pain. He's gotta come any minute now, right?

at least you have an end in sight. I think I might die from heat stroke before august rolls around.

Chris & Jackie Kontoes said...

I take it you have never seen A hippo before...cause you look nothing like one!!!

Melanie said...

Hey Steph - you are a cute LITTLE pregnant lady! I love reading your blog!

ashley said...

i am sure he is reading this. and with an offer like that to do some rock taste testing, i wouldn't be surprised if we don't get to meet him (vis the blog, tear tear) soon!
hang in there hot (as in you look great) hippo momma!

laurel said...

I'm glad you're cool like that- with the rock tasting, that is. Sorry bout the heat but this was very entertaining to read.

Melissa said...

hahaha--you make me laugh! You are the hottest hippo ever.

and because I'm a very selfish individual I propose that he stay in there two more weeks so that I may see him in person when he is born.

are you okay with that? no? Okay then he can come out now, i guess.

...really my heart skips a beat every time you make a new blog post because i keep thinking: he's here! yaaaay! It's going to happen any day now, i can feel it ;)

stef j. said...

steaming hot hungry hungry hippo ...

i can't believe you're having a baby before the expiration date on my milk carton!

diana palmer said...

every time i think of you i almost cry. true story.

Smiths said...

Oh, the due dates! Don't get me started! Why they act so definite when they blurt it out is just cruel. And why even after months of preparing myself for whatever the real due date may be... it stinks. The longest nine months of a womans life can have such a pretend end. It's just mean.

Good luck! I'm excited for you and Thomas :) and Amby :)