05 May 2010


whenever i say, "so...." thomas says in a matter-of-fact voice "sew buttons."

and it drives me crazy.

and i love it too.

so...... (sew buttons)

our computer is in the shop getting a new hard drive (i'm typing this on my work computer four minutes before my class starts! hurry!)

me and the boys are sick AGAIN (someone PLEASE tell me what i am doing wrong or doing to deserve this and i will remedy it ASAP.)

the apartment is nearly livable but there are a few things holding us back from moving up there and i'm over it (i realize that i always sound like an unappreciative brat when i write stuff like that but try not living in your own house for over a year with all your stuff scattered in a cluttery, dusty, chaotic mess and then judge me accordingly.)

it's so hot all of a sudden and i just want to spend every day all day at the beach with my kids doing what mermaids and fishies do! (but we must get better first and we still have everyday obligations to attend to... even in paradise.)


in other words i am looking forward to june.

no more teaching, no school, we will be moved in to our awesome little home, and i only have three things on the calendar:

asher's birthday
my birthday
camping with our ward

birthdays AND camping? two of my favorite things!!

oh, and go to the BEACH everyday!!! (make that four things then)

until then, i'm gonna keep my grumpies to myself and take a nice long computer break. aloha.


Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

o.k seriously, my baby girl is always sick too. what the heck?!

Bluebird & Company said...

ya know, I'm not totally sure about this, but building and moving ALWAYS has made our family sick.
Every new house has also brought on the sickness. I don't know exactly why .....maybe the stress....maybe the new house dust we all breath in...????I have no clue why, but I have noticed that we always get sick when building a new house.

liko said...

sick...again. my kids are still trying to get over whatever it is they have...but, we are looking forward to sunnier days at the beach!!
ke iki, here we come!!
faith's done with school at the end of the month already!!
i'm excited for you all to finally move in!!
enjoy the internet break. those are always so awesome.

liko said...

and i agree with the previous commentor because my dad always seems to get sick whenever he opens up a box they shipped over from here when they moved. dust or spores or something...

.Ang. said...

Hope you guys feel better soon!

Do you need anything?

melissa said...

well, on the bright side, at least it isn't snowing there!

modestmuse said...

Feel better little Aloha family!!! And enjoy the beach for me :) I hope you get into your house soon. I can't wait to see pics of it, it's going to look so amazing and different from the apt. I remember!

boo face mcjones said...

i miss you already. but get some much needed rest. and, like mellie pointed out, be grateful there isn't snow for you. in may. seriously.

Kate said...

got my sewing membership card, saweet! I'm sew totally stoked! ;) we also like to throw a good so/sew joke into our daily life here...
love ya!

Emily said...

don't be gone too long. feel better. love you.

Mariko said...

Hot. SOOOO hot. I totally agree. I am also looking forward to June. But I'm not so sure about July. Yes. I'm a brat.

Brady and Rachel said...

Get well. Wish I had answers, but I do have something else for you to look forward to in June. Us coming the last day of June!!! :) What could be better than that?! :) j/k but we are looking forward to seeing you guys.

laurel said...

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!!! ;D Yay!!