THANK YOU for listening to me!!!!!
we had a couple of hard days where ambrose was all thrown off and i was healing and hurting and tired and it was a little rough and he was so hard to deal with and you let me COMPLAIN and complain i did!
and then you all jumped in and either listened to me, gave me advice, picked up my child for play dates, set up play dates, made me food, shared similar horror stories so i didnt feel like a bad, abusive, crazy mom...etc.
so to: my in laws, matti parker, melissa crosby, sara frantz, liko miller, ashley moffat, my sister brittany, my parents, THOMAS ROBERTSON, my sister natalie, dee kauwe, cassie lee, echo allred, kim howard, shanae jones, i feel like i am forgetting like 50 people, but know that i am grateful for you too.....etc....etc...etc... THANKS!
i feel like i am starting to get the hang of this all of a sudden. maybe it was the mini-van, maybe it's the fact that i feel so much more healed this week, a little more well rested, or that asher is an angel baby and ambrose is starting to be his old self again- but mostly i just think you helped me.
love always,
ps- one particular play date yielded some awesome results- if you want to see the cutest little video (it's only 11 secs. long so not too much of a time commitment) of your life (who doesnt love two toddlers dancing gleefully?) go here
pps- and this includes all you thoughtful people who sent me well wishes and treats on my birthday- what fun! if that's the way birthdays go- i hope to have one every year. ;)
Oh, I wish that video could have been longer and I wish there was something more I could do for YOU during your difficult time. Honestly though, sounds like you had EVERY reason to feel what you felt, as though you needed a reason to feel what you felt. Anyway I just instantly flash back to when I was feeling pretty down and you were so willing to be supportive even though we have never even met in person. I have to admit, it DOES sound like you have an incredible support group, but it's not hard to see why.
well, um, i don't know what i did, but, you're welcome. and you know what? you need to give things time. they will get better. you need to take time to heal and not stress too much about everything else. the having two kids thing will be something you will be so awesome at, judging from how you were with just ambrose. and i am so glad that you are feeling better!! and i still have your wrapped present here in my house. waiting for you to open. maybe when doug gets home with the car and i go pick up my produce i will drop it by...if that's alright. it's just a little something something. hope you like it.
I wish I was close enough for you to cry on my shoulder! I am surprised how good you sound! You are up and about so fast after birth! I bet it is so difficult to recover from birth, take care of a tiny baby and still give attention to a toddler. I am nervous about all of that! You are a tank!
Oh and I wanted to ask when Asher's due date actually was? I don't remember very well. I just re-read your post about his birth and it just hit me how he was almost 9 pounds! What a big boy! Again, you are awesome!
haha- you guys are so nice!
oh and audra- his due date was june 5th and he was born on the 8th. ambrose was a week late so i felt a little lucky that he was only a few days over :)
It was so good to see you and ASHER IS ADORABLE!!!!
congratulations on your new baby boy! he is absolutely adorable! i hope my baby boy is as easy and mellow as he sounds!
i'm sloooow! asher is HANDSOME and deliciously cuuute. please send him to me. it's a beautiful family you've got.
Congrats on your beautiful baby! And your beautiful mini van... ha ha. Hope all is going well with TWO kids!
you are so welcome! I loved having Ambrose today, the boys were GREAT together! We'll do it again next week and I'll take him for 3 hours so you can get a nap too! Anyway, I remember those first few weeks with two kiddos (it was only 5 months ago) and they can be very long, stressful, emotional, and crazy. But you are doing amazingly great. And I think Heavenly Father has a special soft spot for new moms, whether its their first or 15th child, so pray often. :) You are AWESOME!
Asher is adorable! Congrats! It sounds like you are doing well. Enjoy every second with your precious little baby!
Congratulations on little Asher. He is precious! Good luck adjusting. You'll be great! I'm 10 months in and I still don't feel all the way together, but then again maybe I never had it there in the first place! Are you going to Bakersfield at all this summer?
PS I am very jealous of your minivan...I'm still dreaming of one! Haha!
glad he could come hang out! it was fun!
please send some of that advice that people are giving you my way. that is kind of why i wanted to stop by the other day. my emotions are up and down and all around.
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