18 July 2008

the truth is, sometimes life's not all it's blogged up to be

today thomas met me and ambrose in kaneohe. we both had a break in work appointments so we had lunch, let bubba play on all of the large plastic toys in the mall (he doesn't know that for a mere 75 cents they light up and move and i hope it stays that way forever), took him to the park and library (persepolis 1 and 2 are mine until aug.7th) and then went our separate ways. as we were delightfully watching ambrose scurry from place to place on the playground with this expression of imagination and glee on his face something dawned on me.

"thomas. i just realized that i can't remember the last time i was so overwhelmed with ambrose that i just counted down the minutes until bedtime."

i was stunned.

ambrose, as you may recall, was the very definition of colic as an infant. after he out grew that i went through a period of time where i felt completely trapped by circumstance. we lived in a great location, but it was a studio apartment that no longer accommodated the needs of a busy, active baby and his parents grew wary of whispering together in the dark starting at 7PM each night so as not to wake the infant sleeping two feet from us. i was also car-less until recently. i think these things, although endured by many blessed souls far more patient than me, attributed to a lot of irritation on my part. if ambrose was fussy we had no place to go but the same hot walk around the block we took several times a day.

ambrose is older. he is learning so much. he is easier to understand. he can be placed in his room if he needs a nap or we can jet off on an adventure if we just have to get out.

blah blah blah- why am i writing all of this?

well, i think that sometimes while blogging we tend to vent in good humor or pretend that everything is just great, our lives are perfect, we are never irritated with our husbands, we never do anything unreasonable, annoying, or rude, and our children never fight, poop, throw fits, or just plain make us feel trapped!

that's not real life. at least not for the robertson family. after a few months of motherhood settled in and even recently i felt like my former life was gone. i had done all of these great things in college and worked hard and now i was stuck in a hot studio with a colicky infant while everyone else was resuming a full life.

today, i realized that no matter what the magical combination of events were that led to this moment, i don't feel trapped any more. do i tease thomaas about his "time consuming hobby" or bemoan the loss of my former self from time to time? sure. it's natural.

would i trade this for one more day of sleeping in, choosing what i want to do all day, having regular breasts again (you moms know what i am talking about!), wondering when i was going to have kids/get married someday? um, well... just kidding. of course not!

me and thomas have what has almost become a nightly routine now of something like this: (1 hour, more or less after ambrose has been in bed for the night)

me: i miss bubba...
thomas: me too!
me: go get him (i tease)
thomas: oooooookkkaayyyyyy (he says in a you'll be sorry tone with a silly grin)
and then proceeds to march with exaggerated gestures to ambrose's door, i follow behind, giddy with anticipation- will he follow through this time??

we both look at our boy in his crib and make some comment about the cute position he's laying in...etc.

then ambrose stirs and we scurry out!

then, sometimes, when we are feeling extra hopeless, we look at pictures of him and tell stories of all the awesome interactions we had with our son that day.

we pull up this picture,
Making Plans
we trace the lines of his round chubby cheek, call him alfred hitchcock, laugh at his precious pursed bird lips and yet i am still realizing that my life will never be the carefree, firm bodied, force of uncertain freedom it once was and i am relieved to be connected to two people that have nurtured me and caused me to move forward and grow and that anchored dynamic is so liberating.

this is the truth. i have faced the facts. i am 24 and while friends of mine are all around the world living out all their wildest dreams, i just realized that despite the occurrence of a beautifully imperfect life that i don't recognize sometimes, i am living out mine.


Melissa said...

you really have a way with words!! i couldn't write/express myself, as well as you do even if i was forced to at gun point. haha--i don't know why i would be. but...
you could totally send that in to a magazine like Parent's or something, and im convinced you'd make a fortune. you should jut try it--you can be a freelance writer.

modestmuse said...

As you know, I concur. With what this Melissa has said.

Anyway, I also agree with what you have said, too -- you ARE living a wild dream! And, I wish to modestly, as is my way, tell the blogsphere that unlike what you said, you ARE one firm-bodied hot mama! :) You are seriously so much more beautiful now than the day you were married (and you were stunning that day), inside and out.

ALSO, though some of us think we want to travel the world with some crazy job -- a week with you and Ambrose also makes some of us want to create something so amazing and perfect for ourselves and burst through the limits of our capabilities!!

lizzie said...

I had to laugh when you talked about sneaking in to check on Ambrose and teasing him about his Hitchcock profile. It just hit so close to home. :)

And I totally agree . . . sometimes I wonder what I have done to myself and why I chose this life, and then I think about the alternatives and I realize how full and exciting and wonderful my life is.

Thanks for the reminder.

darcie said...

oh motherhood. you really had me stressed for a few months there but you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.

stef j. said...

i admittedly have been cooking up a post on the same subject (which i found incredibly ironic because i thought my brain was so clever in thinking of this topic), thus, it is a given that i have been pondering on the same subject. would i do it the same if i had it to do over again? would i let go of my freedoms so young?

then i realize, how can i look at Addi and Gwen and want anything else ... there's nothing else to want. except for the firmer breasts and not-so-large body of course.

boo face mcjones said...

i'm not a mom, but i honestly find myself asking the same questions about my life on a regular basis. the wonderful thing is that i know that heavenly father has my best interest in mind at a level that i don't always understand, but always end up appreciating. so, thanks for the great reminder.

you get me excited for the day i can have babies of my own.

diana palmer said...

hard to pick out a favorite part, but it just may be-

when you described so personally and so detailed the way you say you wish amby was up, and that you look at that same pic with the big cheek and bird mouth and compare him to hitchcock. so, so sweet. we've also wiled away evenings looking at our child's pictures on the computer, even though we spent the few hours before she went to sleep just biding our time...

and major kudos for facing the facts and living your dreams! then uplifting others by sharing. love you.

The Prigmore Family said...

It's like you are in my brain. Can't AGREE with you more! We've done the studio/late night whispering thing too. And the ol sneak & peek at night. Aren't they super fun now that they aren't latched on to us, crying, puking, or pooping all over the place? Love little boys!

Chris & Jackie Kontoes said...

I usually never read long stories on blogs because I am impatient. I am really glad I read this. It is so cute. I really like to here about what people do in their down time. I feel like I know you guys and I like what I know!

Carrie said...

wow. i love love love reading your blog. i'm so glad mel introduced us. your nightly ritual is so similar to my own it made me laugh out loud.

KristenE. said...

Wow! That was amazing! You are so awesome Stephanie. You are the bestest and coolest and hottest mama in the world! I cannot wait to see you guys on saturday. I miss you so very much.

Emily said...

you need to practice your vocabulary and word choice... I'm not quite getting it. (that was one to print, girlfriend)

Cammie said...

I love those conversations. (I miss those conversations.)
It is amazing how there are days that you can't wait to end, then they do and you feel like a part of you is missing. When morning comes and you both groan because the little one is up, but he is so full of smiles to see you that you forget the despair you felt just moments earlier.
I join the rest, I liked this blog too.

lindsey said...

So sincere, so genuine. Something every mom can relate to and thats what makes it so entertaining to read. He is such a sweet heart, love those cheeks!

B said...

what a beautiful, refreshing glimpse into your life and head. thanks for the real life reminder. And let me just say that i have the freedom to "live my wildest dreams" and i often feel too trapped to accomplish anything but most of the time i just dream about having a consistent life.

. said...

I fell like this is such a strange time of life for so many of us, not quite sure where we will be or what we will do. And we are just starting to see what can become of our lives after making major decisions. It is thrilling and scary all at the same time. I feel like you captured those feelings here perfectly.

ashley said...

ohhh, best post i have read in a long time.

just caught up on your blog, and all i have to say is that i love love love the pics, so good!

the little darlings said...

wow, nobody could say it better than that. It's amazing at how desperate you can be at one point, close your eyes and wake up wanting so much more of them. They turn your life around don't they? So worth it. Good to hear from you stephanie. Keep up the blogging. (actually i don't have to tell you, you do way better than me)

.From Her. said...

Oh wow, I really loved this post. LOVED IT!!

Mr. Director said...

A husband's point of view:

I'll come home from work, beat from my day's labor, ready to crash on the couch in my living room; I am met by a beautiful yet exhausted wife who is ready to get the heck out of the house and away from the madness that was our little 1 year old boy. It was an interesting dynamic that, at the time, felt like it was our lot for the rest of our lives. Yet our little man is almost 4 now, we have baby 2 happily running around the house, and things are so different. I expect in another year, when kid #3 is crawling, that life will yet again manifest itself in a new and interesting way.

Parenthood is such a crazy ride,isn't it? I wouldn't trade it for anything. Thanks for the insights, Steph.

Matti said...

Beautifully put Steph. I wish I had your writing capabilities. Amen to Melissa's comment. How bout I pay you to write my blog for me?

Many a nights Jonathon and I stay up watching the pictures scroll across our computer, remembering and commenting on each little photo of our monkey as it passes by. We are so lucky to have these little creatures in our homes. Never ever would I ever give up being my monkey's mommy. I'd even take extra saggyness (sp?) to keep her forever.