02 January 2009

we got iPhones, midnight came, we looked up from our iPhones long enough to kiss, then we went back to our iPhones

it's always good to look around and figure out ways to be a little better. no one will ever be perfect, but we are supposed to try and be our best self right? anyway, i enjoyed coming up with some resolutions yesterday and i thought i would put them up here since i have been inspired by some resolutions many of you have shared.

in 2009 i am going to:

* put more nutritious and natural food into my body and little, to no processed foods (i'm being realistic here, i think everyone should have a treat once in a while!)

* stretch and get my blood circulating by moving my body everyday - involve ambrose in this and have fun with it!

* reach beyond myself: learn to sew, and cook/bake things i've been too scared to attempt

* look beyond myself: serve others continually (i have some fun plans for this one already and i'm pretty excited to get started!)

* make time for the things that are most important:
-finish reading the second half of the BOM
-dedicate my days (and energy, attention, and patience) to ambrose
-dedicate nap time to myself
-dedicate evenings to quailty time with thomas

live simply

show patience

chose to not be offended

keep trying my best

HAPPY NEW YEAR FRIENDS AND FAMILY! 2009 is looking good so far.


melissa said...

amen maximus.

(huh? oh well.)

Thomas said...

Sounds like it should be a good year!

Melissa said...

maybe i should just take my resolutions off of your list. they're perfect for me.

Melissa said...

oh and how is the sewing going?

Stephanie said...

it's not really going yet... each day i think, i am gonna make a (insert semi-easy project here) and i look at my fabric and then ambrose needs something... so after he's asleep i think im gonna do it then, but frankly im a litte intimidated by the beautiful machine. in a week or so i have a class at bernina so i can learn to use my machine and then i think ill feel a little more ready to actually do something.

diana palmer said...

if ever two people deserved iphones, it twas thomas and tyou.

great resolutions. i think you're already pretty good at most of it. mabye that's because i love you and am blind to your flaws.

Roeckers said...

Did you know?

Did you know that Thomas can use his iPhone's internet connection to get his ASUS online? I've done it with my ASUS and my RZR.... It takes a bit of doing, but it's fun.

Good luck on sewing. Chrissy doesn't seem to do it for 'fun.' She does it to 'fill a need.'

Happy new year.